Indian Independence Day in Moncton 2023

Living in a Small Town: The Beauty of Community and Celebration

There’s a unique charm to living in a small town. Beyond the quieter streets, fresher air, and slower pace of life, one advantage stands out the most: the strong sense of community. And when you combine that with the vibrant culture of the Indian diaspora, magic happens!

Last week, I had the privilege to experience this firsthand in Moncton, New Brunswick, during our Independence Day celebration. The growth of the Indian diaspora in this serene town has been phenomenal, and the community feeling only gets stronger with each passing day.

The Mela Magic

This year, we decided to do something different for Independence Day. Instead of the regular get-togethers and flag hoisting, we planned a “Mela” – a traditional Indian fair.

For those unfamiliar, an Indian Mela is a lively event. Filled with stalls selling ethnic clothes, jewelry, and a plethora of food items, it’s a haven for those missing the vibrancy and energy of Indian streets. Add to that the performances – be it dance, music, or theatrical shows, each offering a slice of our rich heritage.

Bringing India to Moncton

As I walked through our Mela, it was evident that everyone had poured their heart and soul into the event. The aroma of spicy samosas, the sound of melodious Bollywood songs, and the sight of children running around in tricolor dresses made me feel as though I was back in India, if only for a day.

Local Canadians too joined in, curious and eager to partake in the festivities. They tried their hands at Bollywood dance, sampled spicy curries, and admired the traditional arts and crafts. Their enthusiasm was heartwarming, and it reminded me of the beauty of cross-cultural exchanges.

Community – The Heart of Small Towns

As the day came to an end, with fireworks lighting up the Moncton sky in a spectacle of tricolor, I was reminded of the essence of community living in small towns. Everyone knows everyone. Neighbors become family. And traditions, no matter where they originate from, are celebrated with equal zest and fervor.

Moncton might be miles away from India, but the spirit of Independence Day was alive and thriving here. It was a testament to the fact that home isn’t just a place, but a feeling. And with the growing Indian diaspora in Moncton, that feeling is only getting stronger.

To anyone contemplating a move to a smaller town, I can vouch for the innumerable advantages it offers. The sense of belonging, the community spirit, and the joy of celebrating traditions together – these are experiences worth cherishing.

As I lay down that night, the sounds of the Mela still echoing in my ears, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. Gratitude for this town, for its people, and for the incredible Indian community that I’m proud to be a part of. Here’s to many more celebrations together!

Ketan Raval
Working for Let's Nurture Canada,Founder Moncton Cares Rotarian, Planning And Advisory Council Member For City of Moncton, Board of Director for New Brunswick Business Immigrant Association. Global Shaper from World Economic Forum, BNI Member. Investor, Business partners, have successfully failed, have failed fast. Supporter of all good, Friends of many, Son of few, Father of two ,Husband of One. Spending free time in writing, reading, watching sports. Love to spend time with good people instead of smart people