When you search for same website for 2 different keywords, can you get different snippet in search results for both keywords?
Say for Example if you search “Company Name” in Google and “Keyword” in Google both search will show two different snippet in Search Results. Have you ever tried that kind of trick to improve your SEO ?
If you are an SEO Expert then you might be aware of few things about Meta Description & how Google pick up description on search results.
But if you are not from seo background here are few things you need to know, First of all we are talking about this
Google Picks up above description by following sources
- From Snippet Written on Meta Description Tags (mostly 150 Characters from it)
- If there is no Meta Description Tag Google will try to show most relevant content from Web Page
- Or Google will pick up description from ODP (Open Directory Project) DMOZ (if your website is listed there)
Sometime you do not want to display description from ODP or form Yahoo Directory for that you need to add one another Meta
<meta name=”robots” content=”NOODP”>
Now , here is a main point or trick about Multiple Meta description for different search query for same webpage.
If you search “implicitly.me” you will find
Following description
“Implicitly.me is a blog about SEO, CRO, BI, PHP, Music, Movies & Fun, yes nothing official about it. I keep trying to try many things and sometime I get huge success sometime I get tiny little.”
And if you search “Ketan Raval”, In results after few pages you will see this description (This blog is very new, if you are reading this blog after 5-6 months there is a change that you will see this website in first page)
“Ketan Raval is a freelance SEO / Web Strategy Consultant, bit of CSS,bit of Html ,bit of PHP, bit of Android is helping me to add taste in any recipe.“
If you go and check its Meta Description it has Long Description Meta Tag.
“Implicitly.me is a blog about SEO, CRO, BI, PHP, Music, Movies & Fun, yes nothing official about it. I keep trying to try many things and sometime I get huge success sometime I get tiny little. Ketan Raval is a freelance SEO / Web Strategy Consultant, bit of CSS,bit of Html , bit of PHP,bit of Android is helping me to add taste in any recipe.”
How it can happen and why it is showing 2 different meta description for different terms?
When Someone Search for “implicitly.me” Google will fetch most relevant part of from Meta Description Tag. And When Someone search for “Ketan Raval” it will do the same. ( Google usually fetch only 150 Char of your meta description).
So, What ? how it can be helpful in Branding?
We all know it is really important to have appropriate description on search result to improve CTR. So, if multiple search terms are important for website ( specially Brand Name or Person Name) this trick can be very helpful.
It is not my research I can not take it as my own.. this is something I knew from superb post about Meta description from SharkSEO I dont know why he has stopped writing but last year when I read this blog post I wanted to make an experiment with this thing , finally I did it this month… and yeah he was correct 🙂