First Session of Golf Training in Ahmedabad, Always good to start something new

It was first golfing lesson which I was craving from last 2 years.. Finally got a hold of a trainer & a time.  Finally I will become a good golfer soon. Obviously it needs lot of energy & concentration. Anyway here are few tips from what I learned today.

  •  Golf is all about proper swing not power.
  • It is not like Cricket shot so please clear that mentality out of your mind 🙂
  • Stand exactly in parallel of your tee & have perfect distance of your club.

How to Play Golf?

Golf is a 9 hole or 18 hole game. You need to start from Tee and there will be predefined At Par ( means number of shots you need to play to reach to you hole) if you finish 1 shot before At Par.. You scored a birdie , if you finish it before 2 shots double birdie, if you finish before 3 shots .. you won a eagle. Similarly if you go 1 shot beyond at par you scored boggie, 2 shots double boggie, 3 shots behind at par.. you do not deserve to be in golf. 🙂

Ketan Raval
Working for Let's Nurture Canada,Founder Moncton Cares Rotarian, Planning And Advisory Council Member For City of Moncton, Board of Director for New Brunswick Business Immigrant Association. Global Shaper from World Economic Forum, BNI Member. Investor, Business partners, have successfully failed, have failed fast. Supporter of all good, Friends of many, Son of few, Father of two ,Husband of One. Spending free time in writing, reading, watching sports. Love to spend time with good people instead of smart people