It was first golfing lesson which I was craving from last 2 years.. Finally got a hold of a trainer & a time. Finally I will become a good golfer soon. Obviously it needs lot of energy & concentration. Anyway here are few tips from what I learned today.
- Golf is all about proper swing not power.
- It is not like Cricket shot so please clear that mentality out of your mind 🙂
- Stand exactly in parallel of your tee & have perfect distance of your club.
How to Play Golf?
Golf is a 9 hole or 18 hole game. You need to start from Tee and there will be predefined At Par ( means number of shots you need to play to reach to you hole) if you finish 1 shot before At Par.. You scored a birdie , if you finish it before 2 shots double birdie, if you finish before 3 shots .. you won a eagle. Similarly if you go 1 shot beyond at par you scored boggie, 2 shots double boggie, 3 shots behind at par.. you do not deserve to be in golf. 🙂