Google Docs Spreadsheet Tips for SEO using import importFeed

Google Docs SpreadshitBusiness is all about improving productivity, Smart people will always look for something, which can save time and improve productivity.  For SEO Google Docs Spreadsheet can be a great tool for improving productivity.  Excelsheet and Google Spreadsheet is SEO’s life. On this post I am going to show how you can use this importfeed function to improve your productivity as an Seo Expert.

I am sure that you know what is feed , right? Don’t tell me that you don’t know RSS Feed. Seriously? Don’t know what is RSS?RSS is one of the most useful format for content syndication. You must read couple of articles first on RSS.

Go and take a gander on these links


Spreadsheet & ImportFeed
Importfeed is one hell of good function which can save your time, I can even use it for personal news paper J , how I will show you later on. J. Lets first discuss what is it and how it works.This is a syntax that you need to write in formula bar Google docs spread sheet.


=Importfeed(URL,Query,Headers, numitems)

1) URL : URL of RSS Feed

2) Query :  Item that you want to fetch from RSS , currently you can fetch 5 common Items from RSS format


  • Items link: URL of the feed Item
  • Items Title: Title of the Feed Item
  • Items Author: Author of the Feed Item
  • Items Summary: Description of the Feed Item
  • Items pub date: Pubdate of the Feed Item

3) Headers: on/off for getting header of Item on Spreadsheet column.

4) NumItems: Number of items you want to fetch from Feed

As per Example

You can see FEED URL, Title, Author information of my blog. Check Screenshot.


Google Docs & ImportFeed

This simple importfeed function can scrap all latest feed items in your spreadsheet. You know what main benefit is ? It will fetch latest update so you can make your own daily blog reader on Spreadsheet. Useful haa..?

Importfeed & SEO ?

Importfeed can be useful in Analysis, On Page Optimization & in link building.

Importfeed & SEO Analysis

: Find out top blogs for your targeted key terms. ImportFeed of those blogs, you will be able to see all targeted long tail search terms there. Blogs are useful tools for getting traffic for long-tail keywords. And Brain is best tool for finding those targeted terms J . If you are lazy enough like me to do more analysis on long term queries , you will definitely use importfeed to find your long tail keywords from someone else’s hard work

Imprtfeed & On Page Optimization:

importfeed alone is not useful for on page but importfeed with the use of another function importXML can be really handy to do On Page Optimization of your blog. But though let me show you how with simple example.

If you look at the same image above, you have URL, Feed Title , with the use of len() function you can easily find out length of URL & Length of your Feed Title. Both are useful for On Page right? With the use of importXML you can expand this to finding keywords, meta description, number of links on page , number of images on that URL and many more thing.  Do you really need to buy any SEO tool when you can do all this in one spreadsheet only?

Importfeed & Link Building:

if you are reader from India you must be waiting for reading this part J .  Link Building is tricky work we know that, you have to save time to produce good links in very short time. Be Smart, if you have found blogs which has really good content and if you have find out that they are approving useful comments, what are you waiting for add that in your spread sheet. Every time new post is there you can go and comment.. Get a backlink and build reputation.

Filter Authors whose post you never want to miss & always want to engage. Import feed can easily do that for you.

If you master few simple tricks of spreadsheet and go through available function of google spreadsheet you can build helpful tools for your personal use.

What if I am not an SEO Expert, How importfeed can be helpful to me?

Well if you are geek, it can help you for sure. Keeping track of all news sites is difficult right? But what if you can import feed of all news websites in one spread sheet? Good ha? Add Top 10 feeds in spread sheet with 5 feed items. You will always get news faster than anyone else…:)

Example: Importfeed Simple Example
Sources: Google Docs Help

Ketan Raval
Working for Let's Nurture Canada,Founder Moncton Cares Rotarian, Planning And Advisory Council Member For City of Moncton, Board of Director for New Brunswick Business Immigrant Association. Global Shaper from World Economic Forum, BNI Member. Investor, Business partners, have successfully failed, have failed fast. Supporter of all good, Friends of many, Son of few, Father of two ,Husband of One. Spending free time in writing, reading, watching sports. Love to spend time with good people instead of smart people