Please Do Not Use Google Calculator & Spell Correction

save-powerGoogle is one of the best place for creativity that we know.. We love Google. I am a big fan of some classic products introduced by Google. As we know Google always tries to improve search experience. Search Engine Giant did implement Calculator, Spell correction before few years ago.

I am sure we all know about that. Also it acquired YouTube, which is also a great product for video sharing. But I have one concern that we are wasting precious energy while we perform calculator, spell correction  kind of things on Google? May be I am wrong.. but I think I should write about it and ask people about it.I am against using YouTube overuse on Internet. I know that’s bit orthodox kind of a thought but I feel we are wasting energy when we use YouTube for music ( specially we are having gadgets like iPod or we have music in our laptops/desktops).

With the huge growth of Internet usage people have started use Google as a main Calculator and spell correction tool, which I believe is a wrong thing to adapt. Internet is not free it cost us a electricity, it cost Google a lot to process these queries and we are using it to find answer of 275+150+75 =? or spell correction?


Come on .. use desktop calculator man…


or we use Google for this..  🙂 lol ..  I have been running seo company from last 3 years.. and I know many folks from my team were also doing same.. so we trained them not to waste energy like it is free. Google and Government both are doing a enormous amount of work to bring internet at your doorstep, now we can not just use it for “spell correction”



We should never use Internet for things, which can be done by installed software. Yes, cloud is coming, cloud will help to reduce cost overhead but still people who has apps in Computers should always use that applications first before trying Internet.

YouTube & Online Music
Either I am dumb enough and do not know much about how these things work or I feel people are still not serious about wasting internet energy. ☺ Why we should go for online radio or YouTube when you can get these songs in pc or in your iPod. You can play radio in your smartphone.

This is my own opinion but streaming of Videos and Songs are consuming hell of energy and this is definitely a good use of energy when millions of homes in the world do not have access to electricity. We should use these things with some responsibility. My views are not against internet based services but my views are against nonsense use of internet.

Of course I have misused it thousands of time, I am a human not a superman ☺ but my thoughts on this issue are keeping me to reduce this thing. I have stopped watching much music on online, have started to keep playlist in my phone or iPod. I have stopped using spell correction and calculator from Google. Let see how much more I can help.. ..

I am not sure it is correct or not but people says One Search in Google uses equal amount of electricity to make one cup of coffee…. so if this is true.. you know how much energy you are wasting for spell correction…


Please express your views on this…. Want more thought on it.. Am I thinking right or it is just another blog of Pessimist creature of the world?

Ketan Raval
Working for Let's Nurture Canada,Founder Moncton Cares Rotarian, Planning And Advisory Council Member For City of Moncton, Board of Director for New Brunswick Business Immigrant Association. Global Shaper from World Economic Forum, BNI Member. Investor, Business partners, have successfully failed, have failed fast. Supporter of all good, Friends of many, Son of few, Father of two ,Husband of One. Spending free time in writing, reading, watching sports. Love to spend time with good people instead of smart people